Monday, January 11, 2010

What News?

If Global Warming gets any worse, Satan will start handing out ice skates.

It has become impossible for me to make a reasonable comment about the news. It has become either farcical or lies. Are you going to believe the blow dry hair set or your own lying eyes? Take Fruit of the Boom Boy.

"The system worked." A typo prevented the State Department from revoking a terrorist's visa. "I'm not here to point out blame," exclaimed the accusing finger of Obama. Why would anyone interrupt their vacation for a simple criminal act?

Obama's administration is a joke, a prank, an ounce of sodium in the toilet that America has become. When asked about Obama's promise of transparency for the Nation Health Care debate, the official presidential lair said, "I answered that yesterday." What's the matter vomit breath, you can't keep your lies straight from day to day? Are you afraid to repeat your own words or just can't remember them?

"What is the constitutional basis for a National Health Care Bill?" The Speaker of the House responses, "That's silly. Does anyone have a serious question?"

Global Warming, farce and lies. America's monetary policy, criminal insanity and lies. National Security, the Economy, the jokes of late night comedians are more informative than the official proclamations of Obama and his administration.

TSA Agent Arrested at LAX

A TSA agent was arrested on January 3rd in Terminal One at LAX, a source told NBCLA.
He had just gotten off duty and was behaving erratically, saying, "I am god, I'm in charge."

The debate is over. The sides have been chosen. No one has chosen their ground by mistake or misunderstanding. On one side is a Constitutional Republic, on the other a People's Republic.This isn't another squabble between Left and Right. It is a war between Good and Evil.

Look to the Democrats on Capital Hill. Are their's the actions of reasonable men promoting a just cause? No, they scheme in secret and act outside the Law. Their lust for power is blinding. The lies of their minions are deafening. Their indifference to suffering is monumental. They believe it is better to rule an ant hill than share a mountain. They are Evil walking the land.

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