Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama Puts The "I" In "Team"

Is Brown just another socialist-lite Republican? This is important because I think the business of elections has changed.

It used to be that every couple of years the public would go out and vote against a few people who had pissed them off. Now they seem pissed off about everything government and are staying awake to see what kind of change they have voted for.

If Brown is the wrong man for the job, the public will become more frustrated. The public has protested to their elected officials. The public has expressed their displeasure at the polls. They have exhausted the first amendment. If they end up with another unconstitutional congress, I fear they will be forced to the turn to the next amendment.

They thought they elected Prometheus but have found it was only Pandora with a scary box full of progressivism. To understand Illinois's Gift to America, one must understand who he works for. We know Obama doesn't care about national security. Why didn't he just close Guantanamo?

Bin Laden endorses bomb attempt on US plane
Osama bin Laden endorsed the failed attempt to blow up a U.S.
airliner on Christmas Day and threatened new attacks against the
United States in an audio message released Sunday that appeared
aimed at asserting he maintains some direct command over
al-Qaida-inspired offshoots.

It took only two clowns cut loose from Guantanamo to start a new terrorist business and make Osama second fiddle. If Obama releases the rest of the terrorists, they will join the new outfit leaving Osama fetching their coffee.

Obama lies and Liberty dies.

When the politicians run of "me too" speeches, when sincere and truly care but not very forward looking finishing feed the hungry and fixing the broken, when the world's attention turns to a newer, shinier disaster, Haiti will be left with the same corrupt government and broken economy it had before the Earth moved. Like the bum stuck in the well, he is returned to skid row after the rescue and TV interviews.

It's too soon to declare Obama the anti-Christ and these the end times but the shadows of the Future look like a Texas cage match between good and evil from here. I am fast learning the truth of "for want of a nail, ..., the kingdom was lost.:"

The Cliff Notes of the turning points of history show the big picture of the cycles of history. The human details of events determine the time of the change. When you are living during a turning point, knowledge of those details gain a greater urgency.

FDR, like Obama, lead this nation during an economy low period. FDR, like Obama, enjoyed popular support socializing things financial. When FDR, like Obama, turned to socializing the lives of this subjects, the public mood changed. Social Security marked the end of FDR's power, like Obama's health care. This didn't end History's inevitable rotation from public apathy to tyranny in America but it did postpone it 70-80 years. During the same period, Germany did advance to tyranny. Why?

Apparently, the big events of history are the sum of millions of human details. I was reading a blog of comments about the video of a Ron Paul speech. All the comments were positive. Some of those who commented admitted a year ago they thought Ron Paul was crazy. Now they agree with him.

The 300 delayed the fall of the Greece civilization but didn't prevent its fall. During FDR's rule, the American people slowed the march to tyranny but didn't stop it. Obama's time is starting to look like a repeat. Unfortunately, the evils grants are never repealed. At best, they are exchanged for different evils. The tyranny of slavery was exchanged for the erosion of state's rights. Prohibition, tyranny of alcohol. changed to the FDA, tyranny of everything else ingested by humans.

Will Brown be a found nail or a lost nail? I promised you a good show. We got here early and have good seats. The scholarly observers are starting to fill the theater. They bring note pads and recorders. Some our thinking about their thesis. Others, how to summarize our times into a single paragraph of a very large history book. If their is any truth to the idea of major human events cause ripples in time both past and future, 2012 will prove to be interesting times. It's not that believe it will be the end of the world but more people than ever before are agreeing on the same year for doom.

A pair of interesting stories.

Johnson raises UK terror threat level to 'severe'
Home Secretary Alan Johnson has raised the threat level in the UK to 'severe', an announcement that means a terrorist attack is now "highly likely". Brian Sims reports.

Bin Laden wording 'indicator' of upcoming attack: monitor

Obama's first liar among many, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, was on "FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace. The following are my contemporary notes of the interview. Note, the word "denial" refers to statements so outside the realm of any possible reality as to be considered symptomatic of a psychological problem rather criminal disregard for the truth.

Gibbs didn't answer question. Tells Chris to tell oppose to support.
Gibbs sounds as nervous as a whore in church.
Blame Bush. Lie, lie, lie. Blame Bush. Lie. Blame Bush. Lie.
Gibbs shutters like Obama without a TelePrompTer.
Double talking babble. Obama clip.
Dodge question. Push fear. Lie. Dodge. Promote fear. Obama clip about Brown. Question. Double talk. Lie. Lie. Lie. Denial. Lie. More fear. Lie. Lie. Fear-lie-project-lie. Denial.
lie, lie, lie, lie, preemptive lie.
Obama? dodge. stall. ramble.
security? dodge. repeat question. dodge. dodge. lie. lie. follow up. lie. lie. lie. follow up. meaningless. lie.

The first question out of the chute is Chris Wallace asking if the Obama administration has the 60 votes needed for the confirmation of Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve chairman. Gibbs talks about bipartisan support. How they believe he will be confirmed. Gibbs finishes by asking Chris Wallace to tell the opponents of Bernanke to support him when Chris interviews them. The rest of the nonsense flowing from Robert Gibbs' mouth was just as germane, delusional and misrepresentative of known facts. Liberals will declare it Gibbs' best performance while demanding all video clips of the interview be removed from you-tube.

Robert Gibbs wonders why his boss ordered him into the enemy camp. Meanwhile, he has started removing the personal items from his office.

With Obama, Dorothy would have had only one companion to see the Wizard of Oz.

Democrats and Republicans agree one thing, blame anyone but government for our economic disaster.

Democrats are deaf to the message the public is shouting. Republican are hard of hearing.

Obama claiming the election of Brown in Massachusetts is support for his policies is like Dr. Frankenstein trying to lead the mob storming his castle.

You wouldn't trust Clinton with your daughter. Why trust Obama with your wallet?

The Founding Fathers created the three branches of the federal government to oppose each other not to conspire against the public.

Without the word "I," Obama would be speechless.

In 2012, liberals will vote for another Bush just to avoid having to change all their bumper stickers.

The recession of 1893 lasted about 4 years without federal assistance. FDR's federal programs extended the depression to better than 10 years.

Every forest of fools has wing nuts.

If Obama's lies were turned into toilet paper, they would still but worthless but not useless.

P.S. This just crossed my desk. I haven't had time to analyze but it looks interesting.

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