Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mr. O Lies And Good Men Die

"While the election was marred by fraud, it was consistent with Afghani law." ACORN in the back row applauded Only someone from Chicago would consider election fraud consistent with election law.

"There were no requests for troops or military resources before 2010." Weasel Words!!!! It is a good thing the general's report is classified or there would be a lot more pissed off people than just me.

There is no Military Fairy that magically moves armies. The general needed a quick decision before winter set in to be ready for a spring offensive. Troops and supplies needed to be moved into country, positioned and given time to acclimate to the altitude and conditions. Troop movements during winter in that country are the nightmare of Korea again. A few trucks or tanks over snow and frozen ground turns it into mud. So the new people won't be in place until spring.

Without enough people to patrol the perimeters of the villages, the bad guys will spend winter quietly setting up strongholds in the villages. When the spring offensive starts, our troops will find the enemy is behind them as well as in front of them. This will result in a lot of artillery fire and close air support. A lot of civilians will be killed. The Obama lovers will call our soldiers baby killers. Phase one of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan will be complete.

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